Deployment to Iraq with Washington state International Guard
2004 and the 'International Guard'
Published on January 1, 2004 By Sgt Stuck in Iraq In Home & Family
Happy New Year from 'somewhere' in Washington state.

For those of you that know me, I have been activated from the civilian sector to Active Duty in the Army for about 18 months. We are currently 'training up' to prepare for deployment from and undisclosed location.

Life here is COLD. I had moved to Florida state just prior to my activation, and even though I now live over 3000 miles from Washington state, I was ordered to come back here for activation. I was able to go home for Christmas break, and even enjoyed 70 degree weather before returning. Now, we have 3 inches of snow on the ground. (In a short time-we will be in sand, and I will be wishing for snow)

I will add more as I get time,

on Jan 20, 2004
Trent....I finally got this deep into your web...I used your name rather than mine. I hope this day is a good one for you. I plan to call Pam this morning and see how her week is going. Love, Mom
on Jan 22, 2004
I've contacted the cousins and aunts by snail mail so in a few days you should have some correspondence....Cathy said she already sent you some and wondered if you got it. I hope this day is a good one.
on Jan 24, 2004
Hey there cuz!

Trent, wish like anything you could be back in Fl! Please know I am thinking of you and praying for you. You must know that Grandpa and Grandma are on "full alert" also and watching over you! I was excited to get this web info so we can chat!

I wish for you a speedy 18 months--but most of all a safe one! Please keep safe and be smart! Know that it is OK to be less than thrilled to be where you are--but this time too shall pass. I hope it is the best it can be for you. Can you receive care packages? If so, where would I send one?

Love ya buddy!

Liz (and Gabby and Brooke)
on Jan 24, 2004
Did I post my comment right? This web stuff!

Love ya!

on Jan 27, 2004
Hi Trent,

We just got the snail mail from your Mom and found our way in. We'll keep in touch and we'll keep you in our prayers. Hopefully it will all be routine and you'll come back soon.

We liked the Rottweilers in the photos. I remember visiting you with Laurin about 10 years ago and the dogs were circling our table like sharks We had a great time with you showing us around the Seattle area.

Keep safe, and best wishes to you and Pam

Love, Scott and Charity
on Jan 28, 2004
Hi to Trent and anyone checking in today. For those of you in the midwest hopefully you are getting back to normal routine after digging out. Trent, you are not the only one standing in snow right now....although the rest of us aren't really STANDING (under orders) in the snow like you. Have a great day, everyone. Mom
on Jan 28, 2004
thanks for your service to our wonderful nation brother... saying thanks to our servicemembers never goes out of style. My brother, my Father and I have a total of 40+ yrs of service to our country, and my brother and I spent a combined total of 11 months out of the 2003 in the middle east. he in the Army and I in the Air Force. Stay safe over there Trent... And know that there are lots of people that appreciate what you do, no matter what picture the press is trying to paint of our president, and no matter how they criticize the decisions that our elected leaders make...

hey, at least we've got job security
on Jan 30, 2004
Hey Trent,
I got you Mom's snail mail and was able to get in. You have certainly been in our thoughts and prayers since we got the world of your activation, wish you could have been back to Iowa for Christmas, we were able to get back this year but I know they've got you on a pretty short leash. We did make it out to Jackson with Susan and family for a couple of days of skiing after Iowa and that was a lot of fun. Looks like you guys got to see some sites with your Mom and Tricia when they came down, hope you all had a great time. We just got a digital camera over Christmas so perhaps I can get some more pictures posted soon. Have you checked out the Schoenrock website lately? I seem to remember getting an e-mail that the site was changing how it operated, but I'll have to go back and find that e-mail, haven't visited that site in a while.

Love you cuz,
Steve and the Texas Lamberts
on Jan 31, 2004
This is to "miajinit" the writer of the comment on the 28th...Thanks to you and yours for your service to the country, too. And thanks to your loved ones who carry on while you are gone. I have a whole new appreciation for the words "support our troops" and also for those, like Pam, who "keep on going".

on Feb 01, 2004
Hello everyone!

Thank you for the posts to this site. I will try to send some pics and movies to the other one. I also received some emails directly, and I always appreciate that too. I will do another post tonight to let everyone know what is going on.
